- Selaus nimekkeen mukaan Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu

Viitteet 10480-10499 / 16727

    • Planning an event: Chrizay live at Hard Rock Cafe 

      Sjöblom, Johanna (2021)
      This thesis was commissioned by Hard Rock Cafe Helsinki. The idea of the thesis was a personal interest as well as a plan with the live music coordinator of Hard Rock Cafe Hel- sinki to create an event that was something ...
    • Planning and executing a promotion party for Suicide Chefs Oy 

      Mikonranta, Riku (Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu, 2016)
      This thesis is a written report on the planning, executing and hosting a promotion event for Suicide Chefs Oy. Suicide Chefs Oy is a starting company, founded by Haaga-Helia seniors Emil Abdullajevs and Peetu Virtanen. ...
    • Planning and facilitating strategy process for an online travel agency 

      Tolvanen, Saana (Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu, 2018)
      The purpose of this study is establishing strategic goals and selecting a business strategy by facilitating strategy process in a case company. The research concludes which kind of qualities are needed to operate the case ...
    • Planning and implementation of a "Work and study in French" event in the French Institute 

      Tallus, Mirka (Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu, 2015)
      This thesis was commissioned by the French Institute in order to create a link between it and Haaga-Helia students. The main focus of this thesis involved the planning process of creating an event. The primary objective ...
    • Planning and implementation of Lumi Accessories’ Fashion Village concept for the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 

      Halonen, Elli (HAAGA-HELIA ammattikorkeakoulu, 2014)
      The Finnish fashion industry has never been among the biggest of Finnish exports, nor has it ever received great support compared to other industries. In the recent years many of the designers themselves and supporting ...
    • Planning and Implementation of Marketing Communications Campaign for Finnish Film Princess : Case: The European Union Film Festival 2010 

      Peltomaa, Aino-Maaria (HAAGA-HELIA ammattikorkeakoulu, 2012)
      The present thesis is a procedural case study commissioned by the Department of Press and Culture at the Embassy of Finland in Ottawa, Canada. The objective of the procedural part of the thesis was to plan and implement a ...
    • Planning and organizing an event: Sushibar+Wine 6 -year birthday party 

      Laulajainen, Kaisa; Pitkänen, Piia (Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu, 2016)
      This thesis is a written report of an overview on how to plan, produce and manage a me-dium scale special event. The thesis was commissioned by Sushibar Restaurants Finland Oy. The commissioner and the contact person for ...
    • Planning and Promotion Guide for a Music Concert 

      Todze Mosima, Frank (Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu, 2018)
      Music today is evolving on a daily basis and this is highly influenced by listeners with different taste and demand in music. The music industry has so far been innovative with satisfying the music market needs. One ...
    • Planning of a new online business concept 

      Saari, Jenny (Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu, 2016)
      The subject of this thesis is to plan the author’s future online business through an investi-gation of the electronic commerce market and the new electronic commerce trend, a sub-scription box business. The objective of ...
    • Planning procurement from East Asia for a restaurant business 

      Ruohoniemi, Tuomas (Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu, 2015)
      The purpose of this thesis is to find out a feasible and effective way of procurement for specific oriental food products. This is done for a restaurant business in its planning stage that does not suffice with the current ...
    • Planning the Service Design of a Pop Up Cafe 

      Bergeson, Kimia (2020)
      This thesis provides a theory framework and a detailed explanation on how the author was able to plan and curate a pop-up café in Helsinki, Finland. The focus in the theory is on event planning, service design, and strategic ...
    • Planning, Producing and Managing a Charity Sports Event – Jumppaa Hyvän Asian Puolesta in Porvoo, Finland 

      Rantakivi, Anna; Hiltunen, Nicole (Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu, 2015)
      This thesis is a written report on how to plan, produce and manage a charity sports event. This event was commissioned by the City of Porvoo – Sports department and also in cooperation with Charity Organization Rotary Club ...
    • Platform for rapid development of user interfaces for REST maintenance and management services 

      Mahjoub, Ramzi (Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu, 2018)
      A need for a platform for generating user interfaces for maintenance and management-oriented REST services arose from integration development projects. The process for creating a Restful web service was modelled with ...
    • Platform service offering in service integrator model 

      Hovila, Sirpa (HAAGA-HELIA ammattikorkeakoulu, 2014)
      Company X outsourced 70% of IT services and personnel using new outsource model called service integrator. Data Center platform service management was part of the outsourced services. The goal of this thesis is to define ...
    • Player development guidebook for JJK Jyväskylä football club 

      Wusu, Babatunde (HAAGA-HELIA ammattikorkeakoulu, 2013)
      The purpose of this thesis was to write a guidebook for Jyväskylä football club JJK’s junior team coaches. The guidebook includes information about general development of athletes and practical information to help to create ...
    • Player pathway development process in ice hockey academy of Lapland 

      Salonen, Alexi (2022)
      The purpose of the work is to create an operating model for the Lapland sports academy for junior high school and high school sports academy. The Finnish Ice Hockey Association's Player Path, Leijonapolku serves as the ...
    • Player pathway for female hockey players in SaiPa 

      Schemeikka, Silja (2023)
      SaiPa is a hockey club that has a strong desire to develop its girls’ and women’s hockey. This thesis was made to support the development. This thesis aimed to create a player pathway for the hockey club SaiPa. The focus ...
    • PME Recordsin ja sen sidosryhmien välisen viestinnän tutkimus 

      Mustonen, Nita (2024)
      Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena on tutkimus levy-yhtiö PME Recordsin sidosryhmien kokemuksista koskien viestintää PME Recordsin kanssa. Sidosryhmät tässä tutkimuksessa eri medioita, radioita, tuotantotaloja ja musiikkialan ...
      Rajoitettu käyttöoikeus / Restricted access / Tillgången begränsad
    • Podcast seurakuntayhtymän tiedotusvälineenä 

      Suopanki, Atso (2020)
      Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on selvittää, millainen on hyvä podcast Lappeenrannan seurakuntayhtymän viestinnässä ja miten hyvin seurakuntayhtymän työntekijät ottavat haltuunsa uuden viestintäkanavan. Työ toteutetaan ...
    • Podcast-sarjan tekeminen yleisön hankkimisen näkökulmasta 

      Hovinen, Elina (2019)
      Opinnäytetyöni aiheena on kuvata Muutostarinat-podcast-sarjan tekemisen vaiheet siitä näkökulmasta, kuinka podcastille hankitaan yleisö. Yleisön hankkiminen on keskeistä, mikäli podcastilla haluaa ansaita ...